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  • info@socialcareideasfactory.com
  • San Francisco, CA 94107
Benefits from Social Security

Benefits from Social Security

Social Security pays payments to retirees, their dependents, and disabled employees.

Benefits from retirement

At 62, workers who have contributed to the Social Security system for at least ten years are eligible for early retirement payments. Waiting until you reach your “full retirement age,” which ranges from 65 to 67 years old depending on when you were born, results in larger monthly benefits. If you wait until you’re 70 to start receiving retirement benefits, you’ll get even more, but uses won’t grow if you wait for them anymore.

Spouses can claim benefits based on their own or their spouse’s earnings history. If the marriage lasted at least ten years, a divorced spouse who is not presently married could get benefits based on an ex-earnings spouse’s record. Children of retirees are eligible for benefits until they become 18 years old (longer if they are disabled or a student). If you are caring for a kid who is not your own, the age limit is 16.

Benefits for people with disabilities

People who are unable to work due to a physical or mental condition that is likely to last a year or longer or may end in death may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. To be eligible, you must normally fulfill certain income requirements. Members of a handicapped worker’s family may also be suitable.

Benefits for Survivors

Survivor benefits may be available to the spouse and children of a deceased worker, depending on the person’s earnings history. Survivor wives who are 60 or older, or 50 or older and handicapped, are eligible if they have not remarried. These benefits may also be available to a surviving spouse caring for a child under the age of 16 or who is handicapped.

Children must be under 18 or handicapped to qualify for payments. A stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, or adopted child may be eligible for benefits under specific circumstances. 10

Parents aged 62 and above who rely on a dead worker for at least half of their income may also be eligible for payments. After the death of a qualified worker, surviving spouses and minor children may be entitled to a one-time charge of $255.